Thursday, January 31, 2013

Review: Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Gift from the Sea

This book is a gem, one I will cherish all of my days.  I will share with all the women that I can for we all seem to walk a slippery slope with the certainty of losing ourselves.  I will give these words of wisdom to my daughter so she can recognize and find joy in each of the shells of her life.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh describes this book best herself; " a signpost for another way of living.  Simplicity of living as much as possible, to retain a true awareness of life.  Work without pressure.  Space for significance and beauty.  Time for solitude and sharing."

Thank you Anne, I will always cherish your words.

Modern-Day Classic. "Gift from the Sea is like a shell itself in its small and perfect form . . . It tells of light and life and love and the security that lies at the heart."—New York Times Book Review.

Rating - 5 Stars+++++ - Amazing

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